Danu Toba, is a special place, a lake in a super volcano, the biggest volcanic caldera worldwide. Danau Toba, was formed about… read more
Discover legends and folklore of the Frangipani – Plumeria in India, and its use in traditional Indian culture. Family: ApocynaceaeHindi: ChampaEnglish:Temple tree,… read more
Discover legends, myths and folklore of the banana tree in India and its use in Indian culture. Offering and prayers to the… read more
Discover legend, myth and folklore of the Bodhi or Ashwattha tree in India and its use in desi culture. The Ashwattha is… read more
Nasreddin Hodja has many names and is also sometimes referred to as “Nasrudin”,“the Mulla” and as “the Hodja” or “Hoca”. The Nasruddin… read more
Discover legends, myths and folklore of the Banyan tree in India and its ritual use in Desi culture. As Kalpavriksha or Banyan… read more
The discovery of tea, Camellia sinensis, was ever a story of many dimensions, and the telling of the tale depended on the… read more
Throughout history, tea, Camellia sinensis, was intimately related to deities, demi gods, and mortals. In Japan, the monastic use of tea as… read more
Tea was discovered accidentally by emperor Shennung, 神農氏, approximately 3000 years before Christ. Another tea account claims a Buddhist monk named Gan… read more
The Ottoman coffeehouses, where Nasreddin Hodja works, couldn’t get better advertisement than its own delicious diverting roasting-coffee smell; which pulls locals and… read more
Coffeehouses in Constantinople•Istanbul read more
A tradition of Turkish folklore that took shape in Constantinople’s Ottoman coffeehouses is the Meddah, which sees a storyteller performing in front… read more
Coffee Culture in Turkey and Istanbul, lokum and Fal or fortuneread read more
There are many origin myths and much folklore about rice, it is believed that a goddesses gave rice to humans and taught… read more
There’s more to rice than you think- Discover rice in Indonesian folk tales and legends. – Discover rice in Indonesian folk tales… read more
DISCOVER RICE IN INDIAN FOLK TALES AND LEGENDS Folk tales, like other genres of folklore of any society, reflect emotions, needs, conflicts… read more